Breath Alcohol Testing – Summary of Procedures
- The Employee Driver is notified to submit for a breath alcohol test. The Employee Driver will provide the Screening Test Technician or Breath Alcohol Technician the following: Testing Notification form and current, valid photo identification.
- To the greatest extent practicable, the breath alcohol test should be administered before the urine collection process begins if an Employee Driver is required to have both a drug and breath alcohol test.
- At the start of the breath alcohol test, a Screening Test Technician or Breath Alcohol Technician using only a U.S. DOT-approved device will:
- Verify Employee Driver’s identity by using a current, valid photo identification (e.g., driver’s license, passport or University of Iowa-issued photo identification).
- Establish a private testing area to prevent unauthorized people from hearing or seeing the Employee Driver’s test result.
- Require Employee Driver to sign step #2 of the alcohol testing form. If Employee Driver refuses to sign certification, it is a refusal to test, which is the same as a positive test result.
- Perform a screening test and show Employee Driver the test result. If the screening test result is an Alcohol Concentration of less than 0.02, no further testing is required, and there is no University of Iowa action taken.
- The Screening Test Technician or Breath Alcohol Technician will document the result on the alcohol testing form and provide a copy to both the Employee Driver and Designated Employer Representative.
- If the screening test result is 0.02 or greater, the Employee Driver will be required to take a confirmation test, which can only be administered by a Breath Alcohol Technician using an evidential breath testing device. The Breath Alcohol Technician will:
- Wait at least 15 minutes, but not more than 30 minutes, before conducting the confirmation test. During the waiting period, the Employee Driver will be observed and is not allowed to eat, drink, smoke, belch, put anything in his/her mouth or leave the testing area.
- Leaving the testing area without authorization may be considered a refusal to test, which is the same as a positive test result.
- Perform an "Air Blank" (which must read 0.00) on the Evidential Breath Testing Device to ensure there is no residual alcohol in the device or in the air around it and show the reading to the Employee Driver.
- Perform a confirmation test using a new mouthpiece.
- Display the test result to the Employee Driver on the Evidential Breath Testing Device and on the printout from the device.
- Document the confirmation test result on the alcohol testing form and provide a copy to both the Employee Driver and Designated Employer Representative.
- Report any result of 0.02 or greater immediately to the Designated Employer Representative.
- If a breath alcohol test result is 0.02 or greater, arrange with the Employer for the Employee Driver to be provided transportation from the collection site. Transportation to the Employee Driver’s home shall also be provided by the Employer.
- Confirmation test results are the final outcome of a breath alcohol test.
- If after several attempts the Employee Driver is unable to provide an adequate amount of breath, the testing will be stopped. The Employee Driver will be required to obtain a medical evaluation within five days to determine if there is an acceptable medical reason for not providing a sample. If it is determined that there is no legitimate physiological or psychological reason, it will be considered a refusal to test, which is the same as a positive test result.
CDL Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy
Contract Review for Risk Identification
Field Trip Guidelines for Faculty & Staff
Minors on Campus
- Minors On Campus Policy (Operations Manual)
- Training (Employee Self Service): Course #WRM002
- Minors On Campus Website
Vehicle Use