Drone Flight Request Form
All faculty, staff, students, volunteers, visitors and members of the public who launch or land a Drone on Campus or fly-over Campus must submit a Drone Flight Request Form. Any operation of a University-owned Drone involving launching or landing from property not owned by the University, shall also require the filing of a Drone Flight Request form and a Landowner Drone Flight Consent Form. Drone Flight Requests shall be submitted to the Drone Committee using the online form not less than 10 days prior to the requested operation.
Please make sure to have all the necessary information ready before beginning a Drone Flight Request. Necessary information includes;
- A detailed description of the proposed Drone activity including proposed dates a clearly marked flight plan, launch and land locations, and purpose;
- The name of requestor, the name of the Drone Operator, and proof of all FAA certifications, licenses, permits and clearances required to operate the Drone as proposed;
- Owner information, description of Drone including make, model, weight, and other specific descriptors, and FAA assigned Drone registration number.
- Completed Landowner Drone Flight Consent Form, when applicable.
- Visitors and members of the public will need to have any relevant insurance information available.
- If the Drone will be used for commercial filming make sure to have all of the relevant information such as whether the campus will be recognizable in the final product, if any University trademarks or indicia will be used, if the filming will involve any students or employees, and the number of cast and crew.
Launching or landing a Drone on Campus
For any Drone operation launching or landing on Campus requests will be reviewed based on the requestor’s relationship to the University; the purpose of the flight in relation to the University mission; justification of the need to launch or land on University Property as opposed to local aircraft support facilities; whether or not the operator(s) have all required FAA certifications, licenses, permits and clearances to operate the Drone as proposed; whether or not the operator(s) have all required insurance coverages in the types and amounts as required by Risk Management; any relevant commercial filming information, and any other factors deemed pertinent by any member of the Drone Committee.
Operating a University-owned Drone Off Campus
For any operation of a University-owned Drone involving launching or landing from property not owned by the University, requests will be reviewed based on the following criteria: the purpose of the flight in relation to the University mission; completed Landowner Drone Flight Consent Form by the appropriate landowner(s)/authorities; justification of the need to launch or land on the property as opposed to local aircraft support facilities; whether or not the operator(s) have all required FAA certifications, licenses, permits and clearances to operate the Drone as proposed, and any other factors deemed pertinent by any member of the Drone Committee.